
My name is Jack Altiere.  I’ve been doing software development for over 10 years now, and I’m still hopelessly addicted to computers and electronic gadgets.  When I’m not doing paying work, I’m at the computer figuring out a new technology or trying out a new language.

I have a degree in Computer Science from Kent State University, where I did most of my development in C and C++.  Yep, I’m getting old.  My first web experience was using PHP in a Linux house, which was a great learning experience.  I then migrated over to the Microsoft stack, and have been doing C# and ASP.NET ever since.  I have database experience in Oracle and MySQL, but the bulk of my experience has been with SQL Server.

I do a lot of Webforms development, particularly at my 9-5 job, but prefer using ASP.NET MVC.  The Model – View – Controller pattern just makes so much more sense to me than the Webforms page life cycle, but that’s a discussion for another day. :)   I have a lot of experience writing stored procedures in SQL Server, but have shifted to use LINQ to SQL whenever possible.  I also use the jQuery library whenever possible for Javascript development.

When I’m not writing code, I’m an avid sports fan.   Football is my favorite sport by far, but I also enjoy basketball and baseball, and I’m becoming a big fan of the UFC.  

If you see me at a conference be sure to stop and say hi!